    if U were given tomorrow 1 Million dollars to move to any country but the trick is U cannot come back 2 the USA,would U go?

    +3  Views: 663 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    I dunno, a million dollars  is not much money anymore- I was born in the USA, it is home although now I am in CA and wish I were back in Ohio. I can't take your offer. I'll take th million and visit other countries, there are some beautiful places i would love to see.. 


    that amount of money differs when U go to a country whose currency is not the US may be thousands of dollars extra when U compare with the 1 Million u r given...been living in the USA for a while but I am still (in my head)counting money in French Francs when comparing with US dollar...even though this currency(french franc) does not exist anymore...:-(miss it!

    I think I would move to one of the most peaceful countries in the world, New Zealand, Norway or Canada.. USA is Nr 85 in the most peaceful countries list.

    My family is here.. So no.. Not if I could not come back to visit... Saddly I have lost faith that there is an American dream.. The more we work the harder life seems to be.


    The American dream only applies to illegal aliens now.



    thanks 4 answering...

    Tax free or taxable?

    If I can take my family and still get my pension, I would go back to Sardinia in a heart beat.

    In a heartbeat...........................IRELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'd go there too if I could take my family.
    Ireland or Australia

    hell no,i would not matter what obama does to this country,it's still the greatest


    when compared to what Franklin is USA the Greatest?of course when you compare it to the poor countries of the so called"third world"countries...or you compare it to other places in the globe that have so many evil happening...but when I see the racism,the injustice,suicide rate climbing to the roof,drug use increases,schools out of control,alcohol consumption even in teens escalating,the rape crime increasing,the women being abused,misused,lies the US government has been feeding populations all over the world,exploitation of children,children pornography,sex slavery besides other atrocities...I start 2 realize nope it is not the greatest country in the world to live in...even though some make sure majority is brainwashed to think that..BUT we can do something to change all of these diseases and turn them into something positive=enjoining good and fighting evil in this country so the others can see America as a great example to follow

    when compared to what Franklin is USA the Greatest?of course when you compare it to the poor countries of the so called"third world"countries...or you compare it to other places in the globe that have so many evil happening...but when I see the racism,the injustice,suicide rate climbing to the roof,drug use increases,schools out of control,alcohol consumption even in teens escalating,the rape crime increasing,the women being abused,misused,lies the US government has been feeding populations all over the world,exploitation of children,children pornography,sex slavery besides other atrocities...I start 2 realize nope it is not the greatest country in the world to live in...even though some make sure majority is brainwashed to think that..BUT we can do something to change all of these diseases and turn them into something positive=enjoining good and fighting evil in this country so the others can see America as a great example to follow

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