    can someone plz give me some advice on how aids is affecting africa today

    0  Views: 262 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    At the current rate of infection, the entire continent of Africa will be HIV Positive by 2032.

    Throw in drought, food shortages, wars and rampant disease, it looks like Africa might be a good long term real estate investment. :)


    Circumcision also helps prevent cancer of the cervix in women - as the white "stuff" called smegma under the foreskin harbours the papilloma virus responsible for cervical cancer. There is a notion that women can also carry this virus in the vagina but not proven. Ironically they have a vaccine for Ca. Cervix which they are giving to women only. This is my answer to nomdeplume.   

    I should imagine quite badly. HIV in Africa takes longer to develop into full blown aids as opposed to HIV positive people in this country and it has been found that some women has immunity to it and they are trying to develop a vaccine.

    The men should wear condoms and refrain from anal sex because the anal mucosa is more fragile and the virus gets it way through quicker than through the vaginal mucosa.


    They should also get circumcised as it has been shown that circumcised men are less likely to spread the disease.

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