    my wife stood on a nail a week ago and has head aches cold and shivers loss of appertite always sleeping whats going on

    she.s been told its a viral infection by gp ?

    0  Views: 215 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Did she get a tetanus shot after she stepped on the nail? I'm assuming she's seen a doctor since she's been told she has a viral infection. What's going on is,she's sick. She needs to take her meds and continue to see the doctor.


     Tetanus — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, prevention of this vaccine-preventable disease.

    Tetanus is a serious bacterial disease that affects your nervous system, leading to painful muscle contractions, particularly of your jaw and neck muscles. Tetanus can interfere with your ability to breathe and, ultimately, threaten your life. Tetanus is commonly known as "lockjaw."

    Thanks the tetanus vaccine, cases of tetanus are rare in the United States and the developed world. The incidence of tetanus is much higher in less-developed countries. Around a million cases occur worldwide each year.

    Tetanus can be treated, but not always effectively. Fatality is highest in individuals who haven't been immunized and in older adults with inadequate immunization — wherever they may live. In countries with low vaccine rates, infants also are at high risk of severe illness and death.


    Good answer but too much tetanus vaccine also is not good - bad reactions and some medical people give boosters every five years or when a person receives this sort of injury. Recommended after initial course boost every ten years.

    Right but then if she went to a doctor and told him when her last tetanus was, then he could decide if she could have another. I'm 49 years old and have only had the shot 2X.

    has she had a tetanus shot?get back to the Dr.

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