    Pictures of the site users

    Is there any way to put a pic of yourself up on this sight? It sure would be nice to see the people we talk you agree?

    +4  Views: 1795 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: pictures

    lol, now the whole site has probably gone and viewed mom's profile pic (myself included). Agree with Colleen though, good on ya mom ... you're what my sad generation would call a MILF :p (I'm not saying that I ... oh nevermind)



    I'll tell you the reason I do not post a picture. I've been on different forums over the years and the one thing I found is if a person doesn't like you, they will attack you through your looks. I'm actually an attractive woman (truly not trying to sound egotistical here) but I've been attacked by jealous people. I've been told I'm stuck up and think I can say what I want because of my looks. I've been told I'm ugly. They didn't like some particular part of my face or my hair is too long, that "older" women shouldn't have long hair. So I give people one less thing they can attack me over. :)



    It's just simpler to not post a picture. I don't even have one on facebook.



    Disclaimer...I'm nor hitting on you! (Being a lesbian, I've learned to put that out there first. Some women get insecure.) Anyway, looked at your pic mom and you're very attractive. Not what I expected you to look like. You keep yourself fit, good for you. : )

    Headless Man

    Don't bother me and look how HOT i


    Done...sure would be nice to see all of you out there


    Well thats sad that you have found small people like that. I think everyone is beautiful in their own ways so what will be will be.


    there should be a little smoke rising from your head


    well Colleen , you must be beautiful to have to hide your looks...I don't think I quite have that problem;)


    lol...not worried about whether your a lesbian or not, actually who cares(not an insult).Lol...thanks for the compliment...I was just thinking it would be great to see everyone...makes it more personal but I understand where your coming from

    9 Answers

    alt text

    This is not my best

    Headless Man

    6' with my head


    tu!although you look shoter than i imagined

    You can add a picture of yourself as your gravatar. Go to your profile page and click the link under your gravatar. Follow the steps.


    thanks Colleen I will look into that...just wasn't sure how to do it.

    i propposed the same idea! i got voted down twice on it. a lot of negative feedback, i supposed we could always post a picture of someone else, cause who would know the differance, unless ofcource it was obamas avitar. he'd be voted down endlessly

    I would love to see what my ask buddies look like!

    With biometric image programs, it is possible to take a picture off a site, and do a world wide web search to find out personal information about you that you may not want public. Pictures on sites like this are dangerous because once you put down your opinion, it will always be available for HR staff to find. And believe me, it is not that hard to get all kinds of information about people, even when just having a single picture that shows a face. So if you have a picture of yourself here, and your friends have you on their face book account, and it shows you doing something dumb, like drinking and getting drunk, and you are supposed to be getting a job teaching middle school... I think you can connect the dots yourself.

    You may have your picture on line, but I try not to for those and other reasons. Call me a security freak, but I know what is possible today, and what might be possible soon. I want to make those risks as small as possible.


    I'm with you Colleen. When you open a window or site, anyone can get in and get more info. It's OK to be cautious.



    These are the other reasons I do not post a picture of myself. I do not share my e-mail address either. I share as little as possible. I don't even like to share what state I live in though I do on occasion. Each time I do however, I feel like I'm taking a huge risk. The internet is a dangerous place. There's very few laws governing it and very few laws in place to protect the users. Most people do not even know who to contact in the event of an internet hack or attack. We're virtually on our own in the cyber world.


    Sooo true colleen.


    Bluedeath what do you refer to as HR? we refer to Human Resources as HR. Can`t see someone in that area of a company be interested in what is on here. You may have a different HR. Holy Rollers?


    Very true Colleen. That's what I tried to point out too. Thumbs up.


    never looked at it that way...the pic was taken on holidays and I have no drunken pics to worry about so I do think it is okay. Thanks for the input... great point



    All talk no action........?

    I suggested that too but nobody seemed interested.

    Alright...when you talk to Coach this is who you're talking to!

    alt text


    Bluedeath, it was a nice try. I'm a big fan of JoePa.

    Headless Man

    You look like a coach, I hope you take that as a complement.


    Yeah right.

    words paint a thousand pictures


    so dosen't paint


    true ...very true

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