    Are we going to get away from using oil from other countries.and use our own ?

    +1  Views: 467 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    First of all, we don't produce enough. So, consequently we have to import it. Secondly, when we drill and recover oil  it doesn't just stay in this country. The companies that extract the oil are  in the operation to make a profit , so, the oit goes on the world market and is sold to whomever gives them the best price. The only way this country will ever get away from oil importation is with development of alternative fuel sorces. A lot of people don't want to hear this and ramble on about drill, drill, drill. While its still practical to drill for oil, it wont be much longer because the environment just wont tolerate it.

    There are hundreds of alternative "fuel sources”. Gasoline is simply well established as automotive fuel. The government gets a kick back as taxes paid on gasoline that is suppose to pay for road maintenance and repair. It is a cozy relationship…politicians and big oil. When you know patent law and Trust Law, it’s obvious changing over to anything other than oil is imposable unless you are a do-it-yourself person who does it for yourself. Sell it and there is Trust Law…did I mention that? 

    Drill baby drill!  we don't need 'all of it' the revenues in taxes collected on exporting our resourses kinda offsets your ''big oil' profits..  Alternative energy is the answer on the long run but we are talking now! we have enough oil under Bakersfield CA to supply our USA for over 150 years at current usage, I hope we don't need to use it that long..  and that's just one location! Talk about 'profiteering'? how about all the profits being made on global warming scares, the 'green movement' the 'organic' marketing aimed right at 'YOU'.. These people are making a fortune on alternate energy that is not working as predicted, solar cells, hydrogen, ethanol, etc..  This list goes on! Green this green that!! AlGore a billionaire on the green movement! He has an office about 10 minutes from where I live right in the heart of his supporters.

    Look, I don't want to stay on oil, I just want it because this is what moves america NOW, yes, the future is important but we can't wait for the future at 5 bucks per gallon, there's people MANY that will not be able to afford that prius to save at the pumps, makes no sense so they are forced to drive their old gas guzzlers, its all they can afford, and they cant all ride a bike or take a bus, many are elderly and their car is how they get around..

    alternate energy, when we get it, it will be extremely expensive as those that created it and market must be paid their BIG profits... gee, isn't that what you said about the BIG oil profits?? well I am not happy with their take either but if we drill here in the USA, it will immediately cause a drop in prices, just the word of it will because the speculators will make it happen..

    Think about now! think about people just trying to make ends meet and paying half a paycheck just to get to work.. Alternative energy will come in its time but we cant wait.. we gotta keep America moving now!


    NO NO we love other peoples oil  ,can't get enough of it   We like it, we love it  we can't get enough of it

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