2 Answers
Rosehips or Rose raw is fruit of a Rose plant that typically is red to orange, but ranges from dark purple to black in some species.
Also used for heart/body. It is a perennial plant with thorney branches, that give way to pink and white flowers and scarlet fruits, called Hips. They are a natural source of vitamin C. which has led to their widespread use in natural vitamin supplements, Tea, soup and Marmalades. They have also been used as a mild laxatives and Divretics A nurishing drink for children, Have been used in medicne .
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Rose hips are the berry-like fruit of the rose bush left behind after bloom has died. They have a tangy, fruity favor similar to that of cranberries. They are a rich source of Vit. C. The anti-inflammatory properties of rose hips are useful in the treatment of knee or hip osteoarthritis. Rose hips can also protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. No side effects are known when rose hips are used in the normal designated amounts.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |