
    0  Views: 820 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Top 100 list of questions to ask ...

    1) Why me?

    2) How come?

    3) What is the meaning of life?

    4) Is this as good as it gets?

    5) What's love got to do with it?

    6) Why is the sky blue?

    7) Wots ur name?

    8) Wots my name?

    9) Who's your Daddy?

    10) One scoop or two?

    11) Why did the chicken cross the road?

    12) How do I keep my ficus tree alive and what should I name it?

    13) When is the end of the earth?

    14) Is Jim Morrison alive?

    15) When is Justin Bieber's birthday?

    16) Do you like One Direction?

    17) How far away is the moon?

    18) How far away is the sun?

    19) Does he like me?

    20) Does she like me?

    21) What is your favorite colour? (Also color)

    22) Did you see that?

    23) What is this?

    24) Is the earth round?

    25) What is your favorite cheese?

    26) How many dragonflies are there in the world?

    27) How tall are you?

    28) Is this a chat site?

    29) Why is this not a chat site?

    30) Would you like to chat?

    31) Are you a cake or pie person?

    32) How old r u?

    33) Is Taylor Swift a mean girl?

    34) Is Miley Cyrus for real?

    35) When will the Doors play in concert?  ( I know, strange and true)

    36) Blueberries?  What's the deal?

    37) Do you like blueberries?

    38) Blueberry pie recipes.... anyone?

    39) Do you live in the berry capital of the world?  I do.

    40) How versatile is the blueberry?

    41) Can I put blueberries in salad?

    42) Are blueberries really a 'super food'?

    43) If you were a berry which one would you be?

    44) Would you paint your car the colour of a blueberry if someone paid you one million dollars?

    45) Blueberry ice cream, anyone?

    46) Can you say blueberry 10 times fast without stumbling over your tongue?

    47) Who named the blueberry?

    48) Do you think that 'blueberry' is the appropriate name for the 'blue' berry because sometimes it's not so blue?

    49) Have you ever tried blueberry juice?  It's delicious.

    50) Do you think that Justin Bieber eats blueberries?

    51) If I walk to the edge of the earth will I fall off?

    52) Can cows really talk to aliens?

    53) Why do aliens like cows so much?

    54) Are aliens vegetarians?

    55) Who sang this song ................ La llaall allallllll laaaaaa lllaaaaaaaa?  Did you get that?

    56) So Jaedan was kind of talking to me and now he is talking to Ella.  What does that mean?

    57) When will Madonna finally get off the stage?

    58) Do blueberries and cilantro taste good together?

    59) How many wigs does Lady Gaga own?

    60) What year was Abraham Lincoln born?

    61) Abraham is a cool name.  Why is it not more common?

    62) I am thinking about getting an Apple Snail.  What should I name it?

    63) Where is the best place in the world to grow blueberries?

    64) When I retire what should I do?

    65) I have six blueberry bushes.  How many do you have?

    66) Does Kurt Cobain channel Justin Bieber?

    67) What should I do now?

    68) Breakfast ... bagels, crumpets, toast or croissants?

    69) Does Justin Bieber channel Kurt Cobain?

    70) Would you ever consider plastic surgery?

    71) Are you a big dog or little dog person and why?

    72) Jelly Belly jelly beans.... what is your all time fave?

    73) Have you ever or will you ever be in a submarine?

    74) How often do you mow your lawn?

    75) Do you own a berry bowl for collecting and rinsing blueberries and others?

    76) What is your favorite walking shoe?

    77) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would that be?

    78) Name your favorite Beatle, the band or otherwise ... Yes?

    79) Do you watch reality television and is Gordon Ramsay really that mean?

    80) What is your all time favorite cookie?

    81) Do you think I talk too much?

    82) Are you a scrapper?

    83) Power tools, do you know how to use them?

    84) How many omelettes can an ostrich egg make?

    85) Free the chickens!  You bet! (Not a question.  A statement!)

    86) What is your favorite thing to put on a bagel? 

    87) Do you live gluten free?

    88) If you were in France would you eat a continental breakfast or order something else?

    89) Have you ever enjoyed coffee in France?  (It's delicious)

    90) Are we there yet?

    91) Do you ever feel jealous and if so, what do you do about it?

    92) Life lessons.  How do you go about learning them?

    93) If you were a muffin, what kind would you be?

    94) If you were given three choices to eat a blueberry muffin in a country which country would you choose?  A) France    B) Greece    C) Italy

    95) How many oceans are there?

    96) What are the wonders of the world (Not including Pearl Jam the band)?

    97) Do you think that George Clooney is cuter than Johnny Depp?

    98) How cool are you on a scale of 1 to 10... 10 being the coolest?

    99) Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep?  What does this mean? (Two questions actually.  Making up for the chicken statement, non-question)

    100) Is this the end?




    Only Le'Fish....!
    country bumpkin

    I want to know the answers to numbers 6, 9 and 11.


    ....and then, there is Bump !
    country bumpkin

    101) Who is the Bump?

    102) Does purple really go with everything?

    103) Are both of you sick or just dips ?
    country bumpkin

    104) What's a dip?

    105) Does it have anything to do with Ice Cream?

    ....I like the analogy !

    ....a " dip " is one with a warped sense of humor !

    I don't know what you are talking about "OH! Purple One!". I am as serious as a pig in poop! ... And, as we all know, that's about as serious as it gets.

    I'm speechless !

    Good Research, Fishy. That was alot of work. What more can we ad ?

    MCM, speechless ?

    I know Obi Wan, I know... And now I am speechless as well!

    What can I say ? I'm speechless !

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