    I need water for pond. Fish are dying.

    I'm in Texas. No rain in 3 months. Have tank full of fish and no water.

    +1  Views: 506 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    There is a terrible draught in Texas. You might have to buy the water in Gallon Jugs, if you can find it. Everone is suffering there.I feel sorry for everyone and especially Animals. They are dying. I hope you can save your fish. Good luck and God bless.

    You have no water in your house that you can add to the tank? How big is this tank? Is it inside or outside? How much water do you need that you can't go and buy it even if you do not have water in your house? I don't understand.....

    Well unless you put some water in it then you will have a tankfull of dead fish.......


    Let me explain a little. A tank in texas is like a pond or small lake. I think that it what melissa is talking about. Where i live in west texas, we have only had 1 inch of rain since october. The drought is on. No cotton crops . No crops except tumbleweeds.

    Hi Melissa I am so sorry for what you are going through I really dont know haow to help you as zorro has explaine it that your tank is out side like a small pond lets prey for rain and hope it comes soon my heart goes out to you as there is nothing really you can do until the rain comes good luck

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