    change of mind - it would be interesting to know where people live or come from.

    +6  Views: 800 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    I was born and raised in Texas.




    I was born in a peensy little place called Swift Current awaaaaay back in the nineteen hundreds...

    see >

    But I was raised all over the western provinces ... left home at 13 so I suppose I sort of raised myself a little ... didn't do too bad a job of it either! I tended to live in the woods or out in the country a lot of the time.

    A little village in Essex UK.


    sunnyB - hey not far from me - sounds good.

    Hi, I am from the biggest little state in the USA, Rhode Island, the Ocean State.  (we have more miles of Oceanfront proportionately than any state).  We also had the longest name of our state, it was "Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations", and only within the last few years changed to just Rhode Island (the word Plantations was offensive to some, politicians thought).  We also are famous for the Rhode Island Red breed of chicken, developed here.  Del's Frozen Lemonade, Clam Cakes, Johnny Cakes, Coffee Milk, are some of our trademark foods.  We have much history, in Providence, there are homes dating back to the 1600's.  We have Newport, the summer playground of high society in Victorian times, with it's row of mansions.  The Tennis Hall of fame, some of the oldest churches in the USA are also in RI.  We have an world class medical college, and art college, and a very traditional Ivy League university.  There are also a dozen other institutes of higher education.  In Providence, our capital, there is a theater district, many fine eateries, a river which they light on fire, "Waterfire", attracting thousands of visitors at each lighting.  (there are large caldrons in the center of the river, supporting wood fires).  Many movies are filmed in RI, also.  We have corrupt politicians like nowhere else!  Come visit us, we will give you an offer that you can't resist! 

    but sometimes this diverts ur goal of life


    salman psycho - more info needed I feel?

    What does this mean salman.psycho?

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