    current exact time

    0  Views: 472 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers


    It would help to know what part of this little world you are from, but in the mean time check this out.

    Now. It is the only time there is and it is a constant everywhere on the planet.

    The idea of time is based on the day-night cycle with a further division into hours minuets and seconds that basically provides a numeric indication of the suns east-west angle in the sky. The north-south angles reveal the wobble in the earths orbit about its sun accounting for seasonal variations.    

    Amazing, two years ago you asked for current time. This makes my head hurt, how can I go back 2 years and give the current time?? Just what time would that be?? Current 2 years ago or current present time?? If I gave the current time now and went back two years ago and gave to you as the current time I would be time traveling and that would make my head hurt.

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