    What is Skype

    Would some of you on this forum explain what skype is how how it works

    0  Views: 1656 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: skype

    2 Answers

    I can't say how it works but maybe if you google it you can find that out. However, from what I personally have seen or heard it seems to be "live" internet "chat" but only person to person(s) unlike a forum type thing


    Thank you !!

    Skype is a free or paid chat service that allows for multiuser rooms, skype calling to land lines, cell phones or make voice calls using a mic to all people in a skype room or just one person if you want. You can forward messages or calls from others using skype to your cellphone. Type/text chat is mainly used though. It also allows for video conferencing. Chat can be edited and room moderators can be set up. Documents can be up loaded and shared with all members in a room. Skype does require a download but it only takes a few minutes. The free version is all you'll need unless you're running a business through it for conference calls. Personally I think it's awesome. I have it on all the time and chat with people from all over the world. All of them I now consider to be friends. A few I have been able to meet in real life. 2 are in the UK and I'll be meeting them later this year. Give it a try. If you don't like it, you can simply remove it from your computer.


    Thank you i will try this out sometime you can lear a lot from people who have experience with a subject

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