    can a husband of 7 yrs. get half of a house first belonging to the wife soley and then his name is added for credit score reason if for any reason can he buy sell or would the wife have to have a will specifying the outcome?

    0  Views: 374 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    If it was hers first and he was added just for a credit score hope something was written up but hopefully he will agree that it was her house and his name was on it just for the credit score

    2 Answers

    If the husband's name is on the deed, then he is 1/2 owner. Both owners would need the agreement of the other owner to sell the property.  Why would he want to steal from her? If he never paid for the house at all, to sell it just because his name was applied for credit reasons is the same as stealing in my opinion. The wife should remove his name if possible though I do not think it's possible without buying him out. 

    quiz girl..............are you talking about the wife, meaning you, or the first wife of your husband ?

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