3 Answers
A poisonous Eurasian plant (Atropa belladonna) of the nightshade family, with drooping purple flowers and black cherrylike fruit.
Deadly Nightshade has many different names all over the world. It is mostly found in central and southern Europe, as well as in parts of Asia and North Africa, but will grow well mostly anywhere, in the shade of trees and large bushes. It belongs to the Solanaceae family of plants and is therefore related to the potato, tomato and tobacco plants. The scientific name of Deadly Nightshade is Atropa Belladonna. This comes from the various uses of the plant as atropa is a derivative of the Greek word atropos, which is one of the three Greek fates, and means "to cut the thread of life". Belladonna comes from the Italian word to mean 'beautiful lady' as Italian ladies used to use the sap of the deadly nightshade to dilate their pupils as they thought this made them more beautiful and hence the name.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Deadly nightshade is more common in the US than you would imagine. It commonly grows in fields and farms. Usually along fence lines, you can dig, and spray to remove it. It is toxic to animals as well as people.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
a very beautiful flower... comes out at night
hmm a bit invasive :) got a ditch to fill...aha I was thinking of a different flower ... :) white and looks like wild morning glory .... :)
datura??check it out here: chrome://newtabhttp//www.allposters.ca/-st/Botanical-Photography-posters_c6496_.htm
no doubt, it has medicinal uses too :)
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |