    Are the astronauts on the space station eqipped with suiside pills in the event they have to watch the world implode?

    Are the astronauts on the space station equipped with suicide pills in the event they have to watch the world implode?

    0  Views: 395 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    implode? did you mean explode? The earth is not going to implode. Not unless you know something I don't. Cyanide pills are a bit out dated. Why would they want to kill the people at the space station? They can live there a year, or maybe years without the earths help. When they run out of O2, it will be slowly, they would get very sleepy, faint or go to sleep and die. Cyanide is very painful, scary, it takes longer to die than you might think, that and it's suicide. 

    I don't know what condition the space station is in at the moment, I guess it would depend on that and the men/women on it.

    I'd say no, there are to many easier ways to die up in space.

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