    who wants obama again

    +2  Views: 817 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    I will vote to re-elect President Obama.

    Headless Man

    I like you lamPamela, how can you want this socialist to screw up this country.

    Randy, I have my reasons for re-electing President Obama, you have your reasons for not re-electing him, respect that. Your feelings for me should not be based on the way I think, my opinions, and my point of views, because they differ from yours. Besides, look at the big picture, President Obama cannot run this country alone, take a deep look at congress, it leave a lot to be desired.

    Oh come on pamela, i know you really aren't that way are. You had me fooled . But thats what makes america. Everybodies own opinion. Maybe its the water in LA. But hey, i made alot of money in the stock market with obama's bad decisions. As long as he is in office , i will make more. Gave you a big thumbs up.

    @zorro - I have been straight forwarded with all opinions, decisions, and point of views. I never fooled anyone. If you are discontent with President Obama, that's your problem, deal with it. On the up side, you are profiting on behalf of "BO." If you felt that he was all that bad, you would give the money back. :-)

    No way, I would vote for just about anyone but Obama, he can't pick anyone that makes a smart choice.

    The problem is that we are all being fed lies. The News media feeds all of us what they think we want to hear in order to keep us all interested in what would otherwise be one boring speech after another and debates on trivia. I know so many are sure tabloid news is true…but it’s not real, its exaggerated to the max to sell the story and to keep you interested in what is going on.  

    Headless Man

    Thats why I watch FOX News, you should try it.........

    Randy, do you really believe Fox News is giving you all the bare facts? If so, you are truly being mislead, one-sided and unfair on how you display your opinions.

    Never Obama again, I want this nation back on its feet.. Obama's change and Hope did not work, Hope and change only comes to those that work for it..


    So you must know how the Republican House begged and pleaded for Obama to work with them honestly and openly, fairly debating the issues and reasonably conceding to arrive at a reasonable choice that everyone could be proud of…well that didn’t happen.

    I think that was on both sides.. This 'raising the debt ceiling' IMO is not the answer..

    You come home and you find the toilet overflowed and upto the ceiling, what do you do?? rise the ceiling or pump out the crap..

    We need cuts, lots of them, learn do do without the excess baggage-- Take out the crap..

    It is better to keep an open mind to the bigger picture of politics,than to be hypnotized by a central character,  as a rooster today can be a feather duster tomorrow


    I agree. lol!

    I’m for Obama in 2012. The Republican "Brink or Break the Economy” strategy of House control gave me no reason to admire their methods as demonstrated. 

    Headless Man

    If Obama hadn't lied so much he might have gotten something done.

    And Republican double talk is so easily dismissed.


    No. He's done enough damage. You're right Sadie, the people gave the Bush's far too long. Look at the damage they did. Learn from history. Do not keep repeating the same mistake. Why allow him to make a bigger mess? We'd be better off if we would just impeach him. Lack of boarder security is a good enough reason. His administration is putting this country at risk!

    I'm sick of hearing him saying "the current economic problems were inherited."

    He must stop blaming, and indeed show us the leadership to move forward!


    The current problems are actually a mix of past administrations and his own present administration. Every president in office has had to deal with past president's messes. He acts like he's the only president who's had to handle such a burden. Cry baby. At some point he has to take responsibility for his own ineptness instead of just compounding the problem.

    I will vote for Obama again. We gave the Bushes a lot longer then 3 years to get us into this mess.

    I also agree with Buffett. Make the people who profited the most forom the American Way contribute back to the country.


    You're right Sadie, the people gave the Bush's far too long. Look at the damage they did. Learn from history. Do not keep repeating the same mistake. Why allow him to make a bigger mess? We'd be better off if we would just impeach him. Lack of boarder security is a good enough reason. His administration is putting this country at risk!

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