    Why are there people calling themselves Christians when they do not believe what Jesus Christ said?

    I see alot of people here saying they are christians but they say they do not believe the things Jesus Christ said. How does that make one a christian??

    +4  Views: 2326 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: christian

    12 Answers

    if you sat in a garage all day does that make you a car? if you sat in a barn all day does that make you a horse. if you sat in a church all day does that make you a christian.. no to all these!! we can all recite scripture till your blue in the face still dont make you a christian, nobody knows scripture better than satan but god himself !.. but he is a beleiver ? if you can not beleive christ .. than your living in denial. i may not know the word as i should but i do know christ!

    Satan knows God exists. He's scared of him. Satan rules the earth, but not heaven.
    I know people who call themselves a Christian but they use the name of Jesus as a swear word. They probably love their mother, son, daughter spouse. Would they use their name to swear. I dont think so.

    Friend, that bugs me too, when they always have people say, " Oh, my God ! " on TV, on the internet and in movies.....b/c one of the 10 Commandments says, " Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain.'' And what's worse, is, in movies and on TV, they say " Jesus Christ! " as an expletive. Why don't they say , " Bhudda !'' or " Mohammed! " as an expletive ?

    My friend because they do not know what GOD has given them.


    I removed your last question. It was preaching and preaching is not allowed here. We do not hold sermons or build pulpits here. akaQA recognizes all religions and the choice to not believe in any religion. There are many Christian forums on the internet where you can build a pulpit and preach. If you have an actual religious question you need help finding the answer to it you may post it. If it looks like it is asked just to promote your religion it will be removed.
    I think one of the biggest problems is that if you can't defend your faith, or have no answer to," How did God created the world in 7 days," then you don't know how to answer the tough questions.

    If you don't research creation studies, you can't argue evolution. Mostly it's people who don't know how to answer the tough questions, so it leaves room for doubt????? Maybe...

    Many people think if you go to a Christian church, you are a Christian.

    most churchgoers go for the social contact rather than any deep spiritual reasons

    I was just a pew warmer for years, until I finally understood that you have to get involved to be a part of a church. I think that there are a lot of people who go to church every Sunday that, sadly to say, won't make it to heaven, or make it in smoking.

    Non, there's a lot of truth to that.
    Lord knows... but I don't suppose he counts them. Most of us who do believe probably keep too quiet about it.
    Yep! I agree. I believed Jesus when I was 7; still do!

    Your sister,

    Wow i miss friend of GOD as well..


    I don't. We have Randy taking his place.

    Yes it would be good to have FOG back.

    Funny name "FOG" cause he does help lift it..

    No, he does help create it and lives perpetually in it. He's 1/2 watch tower. Very confusing when you follow two paths.

    I see the christian brigade is trying to gather again. Calling on old soldiers. Already have the admin watching boys. You won't get far.

    FOg is a JW...never would have guessed that. honestly..
    Headless Man

    No he wasn't, he claimed to be a "jehovah witness" but not a watch tower believer..... big difference.

    He was raised in watch tower until he converted himself to his own form of Christianity somewhere in his 20's. He follows no church. He reads the bible, interprets it his own way and has created his own religion. This is why he argued with every Christian on this forum unless they completely agreed with him.

    i'm a bit confused as to the differance between a JW and a watch tower..

    Welcome to the fog known as FoG.

    I agree with Grandpa3 here (for the first time).


    Where is Grandapa3 answer or comment?

    He was suspended by the admin a long time ago for preaching and refusing to stop when told to do so. Because he was suspended permanently,his comments went with him.
    Got me, don't make any sense to me.......TU

    Who are these people? Can you be more specific?


    Old members from 10 months ago. Most are no longer here and neither is the person who asked this question 10 months ago.

    Glad to see FrindofGod still popping up.........


    With your help and that of the kid called punisher going through old questions, yes, the question has popped up again. I see you're still fulfilling your agenda of getting your religion visible on the front page. FoG left a long time ago. Are you trying to be the new him?
    Headless Man

    Sure, love to be.
    But these Questions pop up at the right or bottom.........LWI

    Don't be crass > lwi

    How about you go hit the new question page and answer some of the thousands still sitting there instead of popping up 10 month old questions no one cared about the first time around. If you can't be an asset to the help forum, then I see no reason for you to hang out here. Find a Christian forum.
    Headless Man

    Lol I do that also..........

    Apparently not enough because you're always here. You can build a church on the internet web forums are easy to make. I can give you an easy app that even a novice computer person can use.

    It could be worse we could have smog. Some Mans Other Guess..

    It's all guess work until you die and find out if what you believed all along was correct. Unless of course you've already been to heaven.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, I have several web sites (none religious) and there are several sites to hear preaching (much better than me).
    All I want to do is share the love of Christ with those that may be searching.

    akaQA is not the place for you to spread the message. Please keep it to those other sites.

    I am surprised you know enough people on this site personally to make that assessment.

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