I think all children growing up should have cats. Dogs, too, but CATS teach children that you should not try to dominate something you love, that the other individual has its own mind, determination and goals.
I love cats so much that I go out of my way to introduce them to my NEW TIRES when I'm out driving.
47 Answers (1-30 Displayed)
cats are clean and lovable. They can come to you and choose you to be their friend. One doesn't own a cat, a cat chooses his own. They're playful and you don't have to walk them and clean up their poop. Just feed them and clean their litter box. Properly trained they won't even pee on rug or furniture.
14 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
My theory on that is people that do not like cats was a rat in former life and most properly still are.
14 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
My kitties are all indoor kitties only. I am a very responsible pet owner and it would appear your neighbors are not, that does not make it the poor animals fault and sorry you feel that way.
well you can stuff your theroy!the reason i dont like cats my neighbour as 3 of them and they like to poo all over my garden,in my plants and they kill everything,plus i have to clean it up!why should i put up with that?
i am more of a dog lover , but i like cats also. I remember though a few years ago when i let a girlfriend move in with me. She had a cat who was loving and so nice to everyone. he loved to play and would jump on anything that moved. 1 day early in the morning i was still sleeping and the cat saw the sheets in the bed move a little, right where my privates are and , BOOM he jumped on it. after that day i always kept the door closed. lolol
14 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
i love cats,they are like people they have very clear what they want.
14 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
yes the cats poo but they cover under the the place they use,not like the dogs they poo and live the things dear
I have two cats, a little female and a big male. They love each other and me, and I love them, they are my best friends.
14 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I have several and they all love each other. Best thing is they love me unconditionally and with no hidden agendas love your answer the best.
I am a true animal lover. I love all animals, I just have chosen cats because I have always worked all my life and took care of my Mom who was a stroke victim and she passed away in 2009. So cats being that I have a busy work schedule and all are much easier to care for than dogs, but do not get me wrong I love animals, but in saying that I am very adamant that anyone that owns a pet of any kind should take responsibility and teach their pets and take responsibility for them not just get them and let them just be there and not take care of them.
Also, tis true the old saying dogs have owners cats have stafff, but cats are very loyal and loving too one just has to have one for indoor pet to understand that.
Thanks for all the replies and good answers. So sorry for the ones that are mean and cruel and do not like cats or probably any animals. You are missing out on true unconitional love in life as animals if treated properly and cared for show you the true meaning of uncondional love with no hidden agendas.
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I am a true animal lover. I love all animals, I just have chosen cats because I have always worked all my life and took care of my Mom who was a stroke victim and she passed away in 2009. So cats being that I have a busy work schedule and all are much easier to care for than dogs, but do not get me wrong I love animals, but in saying that I am very adamant that anyone that owns a pet of any kind should take responsibility and teach their pets and take responsibility for them not just get them and let them just be there and not take care of them.
Also, tis true the old saying dogs have owners cats have stafff, but cats are very loyal and loving too one just has to have one for indoor pet to understand that.
Thanks for all the replies and good answers. So sorry for the ones that are mean and cruel and do not like cats or probably any animals. You are missing out on true unconitional love in life as animals if treated properly and cared for show you the true meaning of uncondional love with no hidden agendas.
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
no hidden agendas?! you must have good cats then :P
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Yes I do have cats and I do find they love me a lot and no have not found any of them having any hidden agendas they just love me just like I am.
Cats are very self sufficient creatures. They are aloof in a way that I respect. They don't HAVE to suck up to you like a dog will. They only seem to like certain people. They have a queenly (or kingly) air about them, almost regal I believe. I love cats and actually prefer them more than dogs.
14 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
My cats don't let me sleep. Running around all night, meowing and fighting. What do I do?
14 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Are they indoors? Mine are. Also, have you had them spayed and neutered? All of mine are only other suggestion I have is safe cat toys for them and maybe feed them some canned food at bedtime and their tummies full maybe they will sleep?
Don't like Cats, and some Cat people are nuts...
14 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Cats have to be boss. When one animal is grooming the other, the one being groomed is the dominant one. It isn't love: it's smug satisfaction.
A couple of quotes from times past:
"No one ever owned a cat."
"Dogs have masters: cats have staff."