2 Answers
soon |so?on|
1 in or after a short time: everyone will soon know the truth | he'll be home soon | they arrived soon after 7:30.
• early: it's a pity you have to leave so soon | I wish you'd told me sooner | it was too soon to know.
2 used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter: I'd just as soon Tim did it | I would sooner resign than transfer to Toronto.
no sooner —— than used to convey that the second event mentioned happens immediately after the first: she had no sooner spoken than the telephone rang.
sooner or later at some future time; eventually: you'll have to tell him sooner or later.
soonish adverb
ORIGIN Old English s?na ‘immediately.’
usage: In standard English, the phrase no sooner is followed by than, as in we had no sooner arrived than we had to leave. This is because sooner is a comparative, and comparatives are followed by than ( earlier than ; better than , etc.). It is incorrect to follow no sooner with when rather than than, as in we had no sooner arrived when we had to leave.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |