    Is Aloe Vera Juice good for a bleeding stomach

    0  Views: 1123 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    According to this, could help since "bleeding stomachs" are usually caused by bleeding ulcers. Have you seen a doctor to know if you have a bleeding ulcer?

    Aloe vera juice is made from aloe vera gel. It is one of the aloe vera products that can be taken internally so a person can get the internal benefits of aloe vera. Although there have not been many studies involving how beneficial aloe vera juice can be, many people have experienced the benefits and aloe vera juice is now quite popular.

    There are many benefits to aloe vera juice. When aloe vera juice is taken twice daily in 2-4 oz doses it is said that it can help a person to maintain good health. Aloe vera juice is known to help to detoxify the body and cleanse the colon. The detoxification properties of the juice also work to detoxify the blood stream. It is also said that aloe vera juice could benefit a person with intestinal or stomach problems. It should aid in the healing of ulcers and help the digestive tract to work smoothly. It is also said that aloe vera juice can improve circulation. The aloe helps dilate the capillaries and aid in cell growth. Aloe vera juice also has many benefits that aloe vera gel does. It acts as a antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent, preventing illness. The overall effect of taking aloe vera juice regularly can be a feeling of energy and health.

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