    how to set tappets on a mizubishi 2007 triton ute

    +1  Views: 549 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    I don't think you can.If you have a tapping noise in the upper engine it's probably worn valve lifters.

    Funny, most of us do not use the term "UTE", I do know that it is a truck or utility vehicle. 

    As far as i know tappets are tappets,if you have a bit of an idea of what you are doing,all you need is a set of feeler gauges, a ring spanner and a screwdriver,,but it would pay you to do a bit of reading up on the actually doing it,,


    Tappet adjustment went out with the advent of hydraulic lifters.Back in the day with the old side plate grey holden engines it was a constant job.Hydraulic lifters wre first intruduced to Holdens in 1964,the red 179/149 engines.I'm pretty sure the 2007 Tritons would have them too.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Tom,i had a 64 Holden ute,and i think it carried a 149 donk, we put a 186 donk in it,But we did not alter the drive train which meant she would be screaming at 100mph,which i rolled doing 100mph ( totaled ). and if i remember right,all we had to do was reverse the engine mounts,,and i am pretty sure it had tappets,happy to stand corrected,i think you are right about the 2007 Triton though,Just to crow a bit,at the age of 17 i payed off a FJ Holden,mustang grill,valiant tail lights,rolled pans,twin carbs,extractors,total motor chromed,.64 falcon dash,bucket seats,painted blue,1 blue bird painted on each front guard,giving a reason to name the FJ.. The Bluejay,,Bit longwinded Tom,but my claim to fame..>>>>><<<<<<always nice talking mate....

    Yeah Terry.They do have tappets but you can't adjust them.

    We had a '64 Eh Premiere with a highly modified 186 bored out to 192.14 inch mags,disc braked front end & a 3 speed trimatic.It went like the clappers but it was a bitch to handle.Sadly ole rusty got the better of it in the end & I sold it to a bloke who broke it up for parts.We still have fond memories of that old car.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Tom,Yeah mate i liked the EH better than the EJ,MEMORIES????Yep i reckon we both know what you mean..Always nice talking Mate..>>>>>>><<<<<

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