    what can be used to remove rock salt residue from concrete floors without further damage to the concrete?

    0  Views: 1333 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    There are a variety of commercial products available, but you likely have a perfectly good cleaner right in your own kitchen. Here’s how to remove those salt stains and residue for good.
    You Will Need:

    * Dish soap/detergent
    * Vinegar
    * Water
    * Bucket
    * Stiff-bristled broom
    * Wet vac (optional, but recommended) or mop

    Steps to Remove the Salt:

    1. Begin by spraying the affected areas with water to get them good and wet.
    2. Fill a bucket with warm water.
    3. Add vinegar and/or dish soap/detergent.
    4. Dip the broom into the water and use it to scrub the surface of the concrete.
    5. Scrub for several minutes until the salt residue and stains start to lift.
    6. Use the wet vac to remove the excess water. If no wet vac is available, you will need to use a mop to remove the excess water.
    7. Cover the area with clean water to rinse.
    8. Scrub again with the broom.
    9. Remove the water with the wet vac.
    10. Allow the area to dry.
    11. If any stains remain, repeat the above steps.

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