    Can an employee who is paid an hourly rate be mandated to go to meetings, trainings, etc. and not be paid that rate while either traveling to or in attendance at such events?

    I am a new employee who is paid hourly as stated in my contract. I am being told that I must fly to mandatory trainings in the next year and that these expenses are covered under my expense account but that I am NOT going to be paid my hourly rate while in attendance at these trainings. That will force me to make up those hours on other days in the month. Is this legal?

    0  Views: 310 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    In my state, RI, most would be glad to do it and have the job, as we have the highest unemployment rate in the US.  Now think about it, check with your co-workers, who you trust, or go to the Human Relations office to inquire.  But frankly, it is not the best way to start a new job, by whining about such, my opinion.  Good luck...

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