3 Answers
The space programs that I have seen so far have been enormously expensive for the benefits I know about...obviously the cost benefit ratio package is tough to qualify. The numbers of robot vehicles do exploration nicely, but I have not seen small robots that can produce/fabricate the native materials ( rock ,sand, dust) into a refined and formed product that is used in the fabrication of something useful like construction bricks. I know the process to go from sand and dust to bricks....its not that difficult to do and solar power on the moon or wherever is generally very generous.
What's a kid to do on a beach? Build sand-castles. Sometimes I think NASA educated everyone in the space program away from those child like ideas of such grand expressions as sand-castles...for purpose, meaning and benefit.
Robots on the moon building sand castles....I like the idea. Robot race track on the moon controlled by kids.....whatever.
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |