1 Answer
This is the best answer I could find: Only thing I can think of is, unfortunately, alcohol. Alcohol and benzodiazepines like Xanax are cross-tolerant and effect basically the same receptors with some differences. Both benzos and alcohol carry addiction/dependancy issues.
Have you tried chammomile tea when anxious? I doubt it would be strong enough to stop a full blown panic, but it would be able to calm down the nerves....also, some OTC antihistamines that cause drowsiness might help calm too.
And I have also heard that Valerian root is very chemically simular to benzodiazepines, but unfortuately could actually have some of the dependancy problems too in time, although it is not as strong as the benzos so there would be less danger of that happening.
from MedicalBoard
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |