    prostate cancer cure

    0  Views: 551 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    There is no “cure” for prostate cancer, only treatments that may or may not fix it. Here are some examples of treatments and side effects..

    I read somewhere that tomatoes are a good deterrent for prostrate cancer, particularly when cooked. Not sure if they help once you have the cancer, but must be worth a try the chemical in tomatoes is the thing that's good apparently.


    Asparagus too Sunny.

    if found early enough,,can be dealt with before it becomes a problem,,prostrate cancer is usually a slow moving cancer,compared to other cancers,,to get checked, THE FINGER  or BLOOD TEST....i am a blood test man....................................................................................................................


    The PSA blood test once a year.That's what I do.
    My prostate has been enlarged for the past 10 years or so.No cancer.(Yet).Blood pressure tablets keep it a little bit under control.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey do the blood pressure pills help,and how do you know it is enlarged without the finger test,,always nice talking mate...........

    By his PSA
    terryfossil 1

    Hey MCM,i did not think a PSA could show prostrate enlargement......

    what a great conversation. i love you people!

    Ultrasound shows the size of the prostate.
    BP tablets help with the flow.
    terryfossil 1

    Your on the money Tom,i had the finger 5 years ago,that was the first and last time for that,however doctor said it was enlarged,then he sent me for a PSA,that came back with a very high reading,then the ultrasound which cleared me,,i said thank you doc see ya later,so PSA is not the beginning and end of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman, assisted curing a lady with stage four cancer. i think it was pancreas, not sure. i saw it on a public broadcasting network show. i got his book, Super Immunity.  He has a healing soup, that everyone would benefit from making. it's main ingredients are greens are(like collards), beans, mushrooms and onions.  i have made a healing soup at least 2 a month, ever since i first saw him. i use various ingredients every time, but keep those basic ones.  #2 i just talked to a friend last night and he was telling me how he had suggested to 2 of his friends to juice green veggies to overcome very distressful health problems.  one girl had lung cancer & she juiced broccoli and apple, plus other juice combinations and her lung cancer disappeared. doctors said it was a miracle. that was 14 years ago. i say get a good health provider that will help you explore innovative health solutions. i am a miracle myself because of healthy natural solutions and a knowledgable health care provider.

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