    Why is it the the death of Orlando,FL Pastor Zachery Tims in a NY hotel is not being reported on Major TV Networks? What are the circumstances surrounding his unfortunate death?

    0  Views: 1463 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    I don’t know why it didn’t make the news, I never heard of the man though.  His family tried to keep the cause of death secret and it wasn’t released that he died of a heroin/cocaine overdose for two years after the fact.

    Zachery Tims died of heroin, cocaine

    • Senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center Zachery Tims died in a Times Square hotel room in New York City in 2011. Tims, who rose to national prominence through his powerful preaching style and televised services, reportedly had a packet of white powder in his pocket when his body was found. An autopsy and toxicology results were completed, but the cause of death remains sealed pending an appeal, a New York state Appellate Court has ruled. In 2009, Tims had left his church for a time after getting caught in an extramarital affair.

    Senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center Zachery Tims… (Handout )

    December 19, 2013|By Jeff Kunerth, Orlando Sentinel

    More than two years after the mysterious death of Pastor Zachery Tims in a New York City hotel room, the cause is now known: a toxic, fatal combination of cocaine and heroin.

    The New York Medical Examiner's Office released the cause of death Thursday after a drawn-out legal battle by the Apopka preacher's mother, Madeline Tims, to keep the cause sealed.


    Too bad these things don't get brought out into the open. It may have helped some people to know that it can "even" happen to their own pastor. Sad really.

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