    It is a simple question and I don't have the wrong website. Do these bras come with a slit in the side in which a thin pad slips out if you don"t desire the extra padding

    0  Views: 227 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    Exactly! to remove or add padding for precise comfort for you. Remember, you should be able to move the padding for more or less lift.;)

    3 Answers

    miamimyAmy Exactly! to remove or add padding for precise comfort for you. Remember, you should be able to move the padding for more or less lift.;)

    Yes you do have the wrong website. But my offer still stands to personally show you how they work.

    akaQA is a general question and answer site. We are not linked to any internet store or any particular product. We answer questions to the best of our abilities from personal knowledge or from searching the internet for answers. In order to answer your questions about the bra, one would have to have personal knowledge about it.  Your questions are best suited for the company who makes them. If you give me the name of the company that is marketing the bras, I will see if I can find their contact information for you.

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