    Is there an app for Antique hunting

    0  Views: 588 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Found one here >



    hi lindilou: I no longer have my profile face on Google+. I am using the face of my 9-year-old grandaughter showing off her braces. (I have no other photo that works) I get the message that my avatar is too small. I've been using that one for MONTHS. I get no response from anyone. Arghhh.
    Of course, when I type they don't know who I am. I just feel like I'm done. I'm not sure I want to be but ... well, you know.
    I really got fed up with some words that were used here. (Don) I don't remember his last name. He said that Sandy Hook was a hoax and then some of the other boys agreed with him. He said he was using his right of free speech.
    If you want to have friends, you must not use your
    right to free speech. Your friends won't like you anymore. And I don't. Even Tommy chimed in and agreed with him.
    I wish akaqa was like the old days. Oh, I do.

    I avoid some of the streams of answers due to 'stuff' like that.. I don't even bother engaging questions/statements like that with my brilliance and nor should you darling itsmee... I too reflect on some of the hilarious camaraderies of the past but it appears that one by one they have all dropped off the site, most without explanation or good-bye... sad in a way... I may change my aka name to lindiboo-hoo now...
    Even our Colleen has been scarce...
    I'm thinking this site may be going the way of the dinosaur...galoomp galoomp galoomping down to the mucky bogs to get stuck in the quicksand only to be found 10,000 years later.... fossilized forever Oh the humanity itsmee ! 8[}

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