    How do I get rid of an un-wanted guest who is charmin, thoughtful and talks non stop and is driving me crazy

    0  Views: 1750 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    just say im sorry nd dont mean to be rude,your a lovely person ,your thoughtful ,nd very talkitive but youve out stayed your welcome.ill see you around ,ill ring wen im feeling in a better frame of mind i just need my own space right now ,then add i hope i havent upset you ,as i feel awful asking you to go after all you done 4 me ect,but as i said i need my own space .

    16 Answers

    Stop being a charming, thoughtful host/hostess.


    Moderator #4 lol

    Right...we have a few experts here.

    "Sorry, but I really need some down time for an hour or two.  Is there a television program that you would like to watch, or would you prefer to find something to read"?

    Get up from your chair, turn the music one (and I am not talking about the kind that your guest will enjoy... Think, 'Janes Addiction', 'Nine Inch Nails', 'Limp Bizkit', 'E.L.O' or 'Tiny Tim'), Tie a bandana around your head, bring out the cleaning supplies and declare yourself a "Clean-a-holic"!  You just can't help yourself, now can you?

    One of two things will happen.

    A) Your friend will stare at you as if you have truly lost your mind and politely leave your home.

    B) Your friend will join in and before you know it your Autum Clean-Up will be complete (It's magical actually!) ... Now you have time for Christmas Shopping!  You are so organized!

    All i have to do in a situation like that, is bring out my pet python.Everyone starts running.


    Oh Dear, you would never get rid of Doo!
    LOG IN

    Python will kill him !
    Really funny to bring out your pet PYTHON !!

    Some pythons are cranky and like to spit but they aren't going to kill you. (quite frankly, I would like to spit at some people when I am cranky- or even better be like the chimps and throw poop!)
    LOG IN

    What if that one is out of some !!

    Python Lover,> > > >Hahahah

    or bring out your shotgun and say you're going to do indoor target practice. Hahahah

    Tell Umbriel that it's time to go home. :)


    ROFLMAO!!! Too funny. :D

    Best Answr!!!! LOL

    Chuckle. That's a low blow.LOL

    LOL Hahaha

    Suggest y'all do this again real soon......

    Head phones.  Put on large, well insulated head phones and play head banging music- and sing along, off key, for as long as it takes ;)


    Ha ha ha...that's hilarious!
    Oh wait...I do that when I'm home alone. *~*

    Ask him for a loan of 50 Bucks everytime he comes around.Don't worry too much about paying it back promptly.I bet the visits thin out rapidly.

    2 out of 3 ain't bad.  It could be worse.


    Any paricular person come to mind, Chiang? lol

    Funny you should ask: I know a person (no specific gender mentioned except lipstick is used daily) here that types nonstop. Annoying is an understatement. Suffice to say this person doesn't live in the continental United States. :)

    When person calls, dont answer your door.. When that happen a couple of times, the person (guest) will get the hint, hope  fully..     To me a guest is a person, who  invite.!

    I hope you aren't talking about a house guest who won't pack and go.  

     Cut visits short by telling your guest you have only 20 minutes (or whatever time you have) to visit. Five minutes BEFORE the deadline, start gathering yourself together, stand up, and thank him/her for visiting. Walk your friend to the door, open it and walk out WITH your friend.  Close the door behind you, walk your friend to the car, give a hug and remind your pal you have to get going. Then go back in the house without looking back.


    PKB, that's what one of my ex boyfriends used to do to me. Hee hee

    say, "you don't have to go, but you can't stay here" a famous quote from I don't know where, but seems like for this exact situation!  (does anyone know where the quote came from?)


    Gretchen Wilson?

    Well, they're flickin on the bar lights
    Bands playin one last song
    And if you want another round better order it now
    It's last call
    Crowds still rockin and its 2:01
    The bartenders screamin at the top of his lungs

    You don't have to go home
    But you can't stay here
    You can walk, you can crawl
    Get carried off by the law
    But you will get the hell out of here
    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    But you can't stay here

    Well, theres a couple hidin' out
    Gettin down in a bathroom stall
    And there's a 20 dollar bet just waitin on the
    Eight ball to fall
    Everybody's beggin' for one last shot
    Before they kick our butts into the parking lot

    You don't have to go home
    But you can't stay here
    You can walk, you can crawl
    Get carried off by the law
    But you will get the hell out of here
    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    But you can't stay here

    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    But you can't stay here
    You can walk, you can crawl
    Get carried off by the law
    But you will get the hell out of here

    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    You don't have to go home
    But you can't stay here

    Thanks Dardaigh, that is the one!!

    You're welcome, Bus.

    If (s)he's not staying overnight, tell her/ him shortly after they come in , that you have to leave at such and such time to go to an appt, or to baby sit, or what ever. Do that everytime they come over. If they're staying for a few days or a week, tell them that you're sorry, but you have to go to a Dr's appt, then a dentist's appt. .....then to a business meeting and leave the house often.  Then, in the evening, yawn and say to your spouse, " Let's go to bed, dear, so the company can go home "  Hee hee .If you do all that, (s)he'll get the picture.

    Should get some ear plug and make lots of anoying noise and ask him would you repeat what you said and tell him you heard that a girl was waithing for him at a bar. or was that on the radio?

    Hand the guest a lease. You can also suggest a bath. "Guests, like fish, start to smell after 3 days!" Whatever you do, don't squeeze! ""

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