    art deco artist from the 1960

    0  Views: 699 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Art Deco in the 1960s ....

    Art Deco was looked upon poorly throughout the 40s and 50s, but saw a resurgence in the 60s. Similar to the 20s, the mood of the 60s was one of optimism and hopefulness. The economy was steady, pop culture was flourishing and the hippie culture was re-inventing the meaning of liberation.


    <caption align="center">Miami Art Deco - McAlpin Hotel</caption>

    The emergence of modern Pop Art was seen to be reminiscent of Art Deco. The public began to take an interest again in Art Deco and it was during the 1960s that "Deco sites, such as Miami Beach, and key Deco buildings and interiors - including the spectacular Rainbow Room in the RCA building in the Rockefeller Center complex - were stylishly refurbished." (Benton, 2003)

    Art Deco in the 1980s

    The 1980s were all about excess, luxury and status. The "ME" generation glorified real estate tycoons like Donald Trump and the young hot shots of Wall Street. The fashion world's mantra was 'Bigger, Brighter, Bolder'. The Concorde was the premium travel choice of the jet set crowd. The personal computer made its entry into the average home.

    The culture of the 1980s was reminiscent of the 1920s in that luxury, leisure and technology were front and centre. And it was during this decade that saw another Art Deco resurgence, particularly in the realm of graphic design. ( Also, fashion and jewelry silhouettes were influenced heavily by the angular, geometric designs of the Art Deco era. Nightclubs, cocktail bars and hotel lobbies were again emerging as hot spots of the young and affluent. More than anything, the 1980s lifestyle was reminiscent of the hedonistic, pleasure-seeking days of Deco.




    Art Deco Today

    The fascination with Art Deco never seems to go away. Popular Deco destinations like South Beach Miami, New York, Montreal, Havana and Paris are more popular than ever. Art Deco enthusiasts continue to attend annual Art Deco Congresses. Today's celebrities seem to have an obsession with the Deco look - red lips, sparkling diamonds and all out glamour gowns are a common sight on the red carpet. So many of today's hotels, nightclubs and restaurants are being infused with an Art Deco aesthetic.

    It seems that we as society have an unquenchable thirst for beauty, glamour and luxury. Art Deco represents hope, optimism and beauty and even during tough economic times, the appeal of Art Deco is hard to ignore. At the end of a long hard day, there's nothing better than a cocktail, a dose of leisure and a huge helping of hope for a brighter future.




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