5 Answers
Yes, i exist. What do you want to know about spiritual being-ness ( AKA:ghost |g?st| noun an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image: the building is haunted by the ghost of a monk | figurative : the ghosts of past deeds. • a faint trace of something: she gave the ghost of a smile. • a faint secondary image produced by a fault in an optical system or on a cathode ray screen, e.g., by faulty television reception or internal reflection in a mirror or camera. verb 1 [ with obj. ] act as ghostwriter of (a work): his memoirs were smoothly ghosted by a journalist. 2 [ no obj. ] glide smoothly and effortlessly: they ghosted up the river. PHRASES the ghost in the machine Philosophy the mind viewed as distinct from the body (usually used in a derogatory fashion by critics of dualism).[coined by the philosopher Gilbert Ryle (1949).] give up the ghost die. • (of a machine) stop working. look as if you have seen a ghost look very pale and shocked. not stand a ghost of a chance have no chance at all.
I was declared legally and physically dead in 1972 in Richmond Virginia. But I refused to accept their verdict and soon moved to California. As a walking dead man my rights are severely limited. Earning a living by working at a job is not possible because no employer is willing to pay a dead man for their work. The US government does recognise that I need financial support, but this Masonic-ally controlled enterprise system does not as a result of my destruction of the AT&T monopoly in 1969 and my opening the door for Congress to see and know that Werner Von Brawn was who set up the plan with the intent to kill me and blame it on an AT&T Board Chairman that Werner did not like etceteras. So I remain dead and forgotten.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I exist. The reason many cannot see ghost is because their whole thought system is instructed to to obscure everything that is not part of the program package you were born with...learning is ok to a point. But have you ever seen something that you did not know what it is and hurried up to do something else and get away from whatever that was?....not wanting to know.
Oddity encounters reach beyond your chosen reality and the ego is terrified of that.
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |