5 Answers
Get them something for their ears, as the main reason kids are unruly on planes, they are in discomfort from the altitude changes. Lollipops or chewing gum, if they are old enough. Talk to the Pediatrician about this before you go. At least for the take off, until you get up to flying altitude. Since they have tiny Eustachian tubes in their ears, it is more difficult for them to adjust and frankly, it hurts a lot! Perhaps others will be more forgiving, with this information. Also, there are kids who are just plain brats, seat kickers, etc... For that, be a good parent, and do not let them disturb other passengers, promise them a special treat after the flight! And follow through with an amazingly good one, to reward their good behavior... Good luck.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |