    For all Christians out there!-not a question.

    As you already know, this week is a holy week, my favorite week of the year besides Christmas. Today, we celebrate the Lord's passion, Good Friday, tomorrow, Easter Vigil, and finally, the Resurrection of the Lord, Easter!

    Let's forgive and love each other!
    Happy Easter to you all!!

    +5  Views: 788 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers


    Happy Easter from a non Christian who celebrates the day as the emergence of spring and renewal and rebirth. : )
    it's not the day we worship,nor is easter bunnies or choclate eggs nor is it a me it's a day in which we set aside to acknowledge what jesus christ did for us on and off the cross.1

    tu from me

    "it's a day in which we set aside to acknowledge what jesus christ did for us on and off the cross." - Very true!
    Happy Easter, he is alive in me and in you I pray.
    Happy easter to you too!!! Jesus is alive and Amen!!!
    Happy Easter to you! To me Easter is about celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, why it's call Easter, I don't know. One thing for sure, it's an annual celebration, and I plan to participate.
    Happy Easter,I will be attending my little cousins wedding on Easter day,but my family and I will also be remembering how Jesus died on the cross for our sins.Thank you Jesus....I love you!
    Easter is important.Jesus rose from the dead.Recently i found out that my grandmothers maiden name is Jewish.Passover and Easter are connected.
    Jesus is the Passover lamb. with out spot or blemish.
    Jesus is messiah for the jews and then the gentiles.
    Pleasae come to JESUS THE Messish.He is waiting for you.He loves you.Jesus is returning soon.GOD the father only knows when.Please come to him thank you.
    Easter is a pagen celebration. It has nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

    Whatever you think is ok with me. I'm not looking for a debate. Happy Easter!

    It isn't what I think, it is a fact. Unfortunately, nobody has come up with a definition of the Lord's work. How about Happy Ressurection Day to you!

    FreedomFighter ,Everyone has their reasons for celebrating Easter but Schubee was referring to us ''Christians".

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