1 Answer
Lesson 11: Accessing Newsgroups With Windows Live Mail
Newsgroups are communities where people can express their opinions or ask for advice regarding specific topics. Not all are particularly friendly beasts and, sadly, some user's can be particularly argumentative. However, before you can post a question, or maybe an answer, we need to discuss how to set up Windows Mail to accept Newsgroups. For this lesson I will just concentrate upon Microsoft Newsgroups. Obviously thee are other newsgroups available from other providers and the principle fro accessing them are very similar to what will be described here.
While newsgroups are a great source of information they do have their own set of Rules and Regulations and also ways of posting questions. A quick Google search for the term 'netiquette' should bring up sufficient information to give you an idea of what you should and should not be doing on the newsgroups.
So to begin follow the instructions below:http://www.silversurfer-guide.com/lesson_11.html
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