    How can I travel 3 hours by plane with very vivacious 2 & 3 year old boys without major problems

    0  Views: 429 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    That depends. Are they vivacious and mannerly or are they vivacious and allowed to run loose and misbehave? If they are the latter, you'll have major problems, without a doubt.

    Leave them at home would be best, but if you have to take them with you, please tell us, so that I can make sure I'm not on the same plane.

    Sorry to encourage drug abuse but, my brother-in-law (a doctor) administered antihistamines for his kids for the long car trip.  Just kind of knocked them out or at least, settle them down……..



    He could acheive the same results by driving at night. Or what my bro did when the kids were little, they dragged them out of bed at 5am and they were pretty sleepy and quiet till 11 am . So, half the day was over then.

    Great, really. Too bad the boys are all grown up now…...

    Make sure you have a reserved seat for each of them; you can't handle a kid on your lap that long.

    Bring snacks for them, and simple playthings that don't take up a lot of space or have a bunch of parts to lose or fall on the floor.  

    BOOKS!  Reading to kids is one of the best things you can do.  Picture books, of course.  Get a couple of Highlights magazines, or other kid magazines.  Finding hidden pictures is fun.  

    If your child is in preschool, ask the teacher for suggestions.  If not, contact a preschool and ask.  A worthwhile school will give you help, and you can consider that school more highly if and when you send your little ones to preschool.

    Bon Voyage!


     bring books and read to them. Bring paper tablets and crayons for the kids to draw and color. Bring little games or puzzles. above all bring a small DVD player and show them kiddie movies.

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