3 Answers
it is an irrelevant question,and if you had the answer,it would be an irrelevant answer,,,,it would make no difference to a person after death......
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Why is it irrelevant?
Hey Digger,If you gotta ask that question,,you will never accept the answer,,,,,,,>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
OK, I get it now. There is no answer if there is no question. Makes perfect sense...I think...
Okay Digger your a hard man,knowing where or how a God was born,,will make no difference to what he can do for or against you.....Always nice talking Digger..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<
You can ask Him yourself. I did. The Urantia Book has an answer in there just waiting for you.The Urantia Book https://www.amazon.com/ScienceBooks‎ 4.5 rating for amazon.com By Urantia Foundation. Only $15.45 Free Shipping on Qualified Orders.
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Eventuation to being-ness is a process of personal progress. Individuation is a process of separating one thing from a group of many similar objects aka, subjugation
Subjugate |ˈsəbjəˌgāt|
verb [ with obj. ]
bring under domination or control, esp. by conquest: the invaders had soon subjugated most of the native population.
• (subjugate someone/something to) make someone or something subordinate to: the new ruler firmly subjugated the Church to the state.
Eventually....you will, if you survive, understand everything...It's not ll that difficult really.
Subjugate |ˈsəbjəˌgāt|
verb [ with obj. ]
bring under domination or control, esp. by conquest: the invaders had soon subjugated most of the native population.
• (subjugate someone/something to) make someone or something subordinate to: the new ruler firmly subjugated the Church to the state.
Eventually....you will, if you survive, understand everything...It's not ll that difficult really.
Robert, i stand in the middle of greatness when i read your answers,,,i do not understand them,,but they do sound smart...>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<
God is born into His children in the same way our children have similarities to ourselves and are born of us. This linage of association originates from a singular source who is our Heavenly Father, aka...God.
Eventuation<eventuate |iˈvenCHo͞oˌāt|
verb [ no obj. ] formal
occur as a result: you never know what might eventuate.
• (eventuate in) lead to as a result: circumstances that eventuated in the existence of God.
eventuation |iˌvenCHo͞oˈāSHən| noun
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from event, on the pattern of actuate.
There are beings, who, like God, eventuated into being-ness as a singular entity. Many beings who eventuate are recognized as originating from the electrostatic dust clouds in the vastness of open space. The compelling impetus for a space born entity is to find others like themselves, communicate and gradually evolve by choosing to keep what works and discard or modify whatever is problematic. We all do that, it's life.
Life here on an evolving world is not an accident, but a carefully planned event in bringing forth known patterns of creature and plant life evolving to the present day...so read the book.
God is born into His children in the same way our children have similarities to ourselves and are born of us. This linage of association originates from a singular source who is our Heavenly Father, aka...God.
Eventuation<eventuate |iˈvenCHo͞oˌāt|
verb [ no obj. ] formal
occur as a result: you never know what might eventuate.
• (eventuate in) lead to as a result: circumstances that eventuated in the existence of God.
eventuation |iˌvenCHo͞oˈāSHən| noun
ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from event, on the pattern of actuate.
There are beings, who, like God, eventuated into being-ness as a singular entity. Many beings who eventuate are recognized as originating from the electrostatic dust clouds in the vastness of open space. The compelling impetus for a space born entity is to find others like themselves, communicate and gradually evolve by choosing to keep what works and discard or modify whatever is problematic. We all do that, it's life.
Life here on an evolving world is not an accident, but a carefully planned event in bringing forth known patterns of creature and plant life evolving to the present day...so read the book.
As usual Robert,do not understand you,,but i guess what it means to me is ,,thanks,but no thanks ,not for me..>>><<<
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