    What do a wedding MC have to do ?

    0  Views: 629 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Checklist for the Wedding MC. Plus Wedding MC Duties Tips and Advice.

    The checklist for the Wedding MC is one of the most important items the Wedding Emcee will use at the wedding reception.

    If the Wedding MC follows the Wedding MC’s Checklist closely, the bride and groom can be left with a wonderful memory of their wedding day.

    The Wedding MC Checklist should contain an itemized list of everything that needs to be checked out or attended to - prior to, during, and after the wedding reception.

    Here are 9 general Wedding MC Checklist categories the Wedding MC should follow in preparing for the wedding reception.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #1 - Meet with the wedding planners

    The wedding planners may be the mother of the bride, the bride, or a professional wedding planner.

    One of your first tasks as Wedding MC will be to meet with the wedding planners to find out what is expected from you and to get information about the wedding reception.

    This is also where you will start preparing a tentative wedding reception agenda and wedding run sheet.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #2 - Gather background information on the bride and groom

    The background information you obtain on the bride and groom will help you with remarks you make during the wedding reception.

    You’ll also want information about their childhood, courtship, and engagement. And you’ll want details about their forthcoming honeymoon.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #3 - Gather background information on the speakers who will be making wedding speeches and toasts

    Unless the bride and groom ask you to give a Wedding MC speech or they specifically request no toasts or speeches, there will be other speakers who will give wedding toasts and wedding speeches.

    Usually the wedding speeches and wedding toasts will be made by the best man, the father of the bride, and the maid or matron of honor. Other family members including the Mother of the Bride, the Father of the Groom, and the Mother of the Groom may also be asked to make a speech or toast.

    The information you gather about the wedding speakers will help you introduce them during the wedding reception.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #4 - Prepare the wedding reception agenda

    The reception agenda is your detailed timeline of events during the reception and will be prepared in consultation with the wedding planners.

    From the arrival of the wedding guests to the wedding speeches and toasts to the final farewell, this will be your guide to keep things running on time and smoothly throughout the reception.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #5 - Prepare the wedding mc’s run sheet

    The wedding mc’s run sheet is much more detailed than the wedding reception agenda.

    For example, where the reception agenda will say “wedding speeches and toasts,” the run sheet will indicate who the speech or toast is to, the name of the wedding speaker, and background information for introducing the speaker.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #6 - Prepare your material

    Now that you have your background material on the wedding couple and the wedding speakers it’s time to put everything together.

    You’ll need to prepare your Wedding MC speech, the Wedding MC Opening Speech, introductions for the wedding speakers, games for the audience, jokes and humorous stories, and anything else that is entertaining and keeps the wedding reception running smoothly.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #7 - Prepare the Wedding MC Speech

    As the Wedding Master of Ceremonies or Wedding Toastmaster, you may be asked to give a Wedding MC Speech.

    Alternatively, if one of the wedding speakers is unavailable at the wedding reception, you may have to step in and give a speech.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #8 - Check reception venue set up

    Ensure room set up and decorations are scheduled to be completed well before the wedding guests arrive on the day of the wedding.

    This is a critical detail. From the seating arrangements to lighting to catering to entertainers...everything must be checked to ensure things go smoothly throughout the wedding reception.

    Wedding MC Checklist - Item #9 - Ensure your clothing is ready

    The wedding reception is a special and formal occasion. As a professional wedding emcee you’ll be expected to dress the part.

    Make sure your suit, tuxedo, or dress, and shirt or blouse are clean and pressed and your shoes are shined.

    There’s a lot more to being a wedding emcee that having a Wedding MC’s Checklist. But, the Wedding MC’s Checklist plays a vital role in helping you perform your duties professionally and keeping the reception events on track and on time.

    Wedding MC Run Sheet

    Wedding MC Run Sheet - The Wedding Emcee's "Lifeline"

    The Wedding MC Run Sheet - also known as the Wedding Reception Agenda or Wedding MC Running Sheet - is a critical tool for the Wedding Emcee.

    It lists every event that will take place at the wedding reception - from the moment the wedding guests arrive to the time they depart.

    As wedding mc you'll list the major events of the reception including entertainment, wedding guest activities, wedding speeches and toasts, dancing, cake cutting, bouquet toss, and the garter toss.

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