6 Answers
3 years later and people are still talking about his golf game. More importantly is his constant fund raising for democrats at tax payer expense. Go here and there, shake a few hands and make a speech, therefore he can ride for free! at taxpayer expense. But to be fair, he's not the only president to do this trick, but in the past, it was set up speeches in vacation places. Clintons were coming to Palo Alto (stanford U) about every 2 months to see their daughter when going to school there, Bill was smart, at the same time he would give a small speech, that would cover the use of AF one and expenditures at tax payer expense, then go see Chelsea, then go do some fund raising. Republicans aren't that smart, they don't know how to work the system like the Democrats do..
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
and his wife has taken a lot of expensive vacations and other trips on the tax payers tab >:-0
10 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

They could have been on a global quest in order to purchase festive coloured golf balls.