    give a list of gluten free foods

    Are rice noodle gluten free

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    1 Answer

    List of Gluten Free Foods

    Posted on April 10, 2010 by admin

    ""Gluten is a unique, complex protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Isolated gluten is sticky and stretches much like chewing gum. In flour, these properties make dough elastic and give bread its spongy texture. However, because of its stretchy resilience, it can be very difficult to digest. If a person has a compromised digestive system from such things as stress or illness then it is very likely that the gluten in the food they eat will not be fully digested.

    Undigested gluten can create a myriad of problems: It promotes bad intestinal bacteria; it sticks to intestinal walls inhibiting proper absorption of nutrients; it can make the passing of waste material extremely difficult (constipation); and it can be absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in nasty allergic reactions.

    Holistic medicine practitioners have long identified the potential hazards of gluten and recognize its association with poor digestion and allergic reactions. In recent years there has also been growing evidence that those who suffer from certain forms of schizophrenia, autism and multiple sclerosis benefit from a gluten free diet, seeing a marked improvement in their symptoms when gluten is removed. Mainstream doctors are increasingly acknowledging the benefits of avoiding gluten, as conditions such as Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease) and celiac disease (an autoimmune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged by gluten), are being diagnosed more frequently.

    Removing gluten from ones diet is a sensitive area to address as we have all been raised on cereals and breads as familiar staples and comfort food. If an intolerance were suspected then switching to a diet that limits the intake of cereals to rice, millet and buckwheat would be favorable.

    List of Gluten Free Foods

    Generally, we suggest you eat locally grown, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, as much as possible. Avoid breads, cereals, pasta made from wheat. Read labels of any processed foods to make sure no gluten is used. Careful here because food makers often hide it under different names. The following foods are considered “safe” for gluten free diets: (adapted from the Gluten Free Chef)


    Fresh meat
    Fish and shellfish
    Poultry and game
    Fresh herbs
    Dried fruit
    Cottage cheese (not cheese spreads)
    Milk (when newly diagnosed you may be lactose intolerant)
    Dried beans, peas and pulses
    Vegetable oils, sunflower oil, olive oil
    Almonds, ground or whole
    Rice, ground, long or short grain
    Rice cakes/crackers
    Rice flour (and other gluten free flours)
    Cream of tartar
    Bicarbonate of soda
    Dried peppercorns
    Cornflour (from the maize plant
    Tamari soy sauce
    Yogurts (without crunchy bits)
    Cider vinegar
    Wine vinegar
    Distilled vinegar
    Flax seed
    Corn Tortillas
    Corn tacos
    Popcorn (check any coating)
    Homemade soups (not roux based)
    Jelly (jello)
    Golden syrup
    Black treacle or molasses
    Tea (check herb teas first)
    Fruit juice
    Fruit squash (not barley water
    gluten free beer
    Xanthan gum (replaces “elastic” quality of gluten)

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