    Proper educate for courting in the year of our lord two thousand and eleven?

    Basically, How does a boy get a girl.

    0  Views: 427 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    A teen boy can get a teen girl by being themselves. Don't be someone you aren't, because if you and the girl go further into the relationship and there are things you lied about or didn't tell her about it may end the relationship between you two. That will hurt either you/her because if one of you fall in love with one another then you can get hurt by the outcome or the situation. Just be yourself no matter what happens. =) Do not try to be the person she is looking for because that could just be MORE harmful, when you quit doing that. Try "hanging" around, get to know her more. Try asking her to a movie, dance (NOT FORMAL) or other social activity, but not in a date-like manner. Like if you play sports, try getting her to come to the game. Then once you're good friends, and you know each other a little more, then ask her out, or whatever. Take her on a date then ask her out afterwards. Make sure your always on your best manners around girls, for instance: DO NOT scratch or pick your nose, do not do stupid stuff around her, like: smoke, drugs, even under-age alchohol drinking. It's bad. Some girls want a relationship to go slow and some don't so if you care about them let them pick the speed. As a girl who recently broke up with her boyfriend a lot of what people say is common about this kind of stuff is, I do not agree with because everyone is different one of the reasons I broke up with my boyfriend was that he was too clingy. Don't listen to that stuff just if she does anything different talk to her about it. If she does her hair different or looks like she is pissed off just talk to her about it so you know what happened and can try to fix it before she breaks up with you. Well I'm a single guy too and you have to just be yourself! I don't like a guy that shows off all the time either! You should try to say hi once in a while then start a conversation with her, then you ask her out on a date. That process will take about two weeks if you want her to like you. And DON'T STALK HER TO FIND OUT WHERE SHE LIVES! I know, everyone is saying this but... be yourself! It really does work. It might be nerve-racking, but be relaxed. As a teenage girl who recently broke up with her boyfriend, we did so because we were too nervous and we never kissed. So be spontaneous, and don't regret anything that made you both smile. Ok to be honest with you it depends, say your at the Beach do you need to be yourself then, no cause you are probably never going to meet them again, but if your wanting to date someone at your high school or anything then you need to be yourself

    From Answers

    I like to get to know the family before dating the daughter. And ask for parental permission before asking the girl over to your home for a dinner with your parents and siblings. By involving the families you are expressing respect for both families and both of you get to see how well everyone gets along together or not. By doing this you will impress both families and your girl as well.

    When I was growing up I saw how others met and became friends and somehow persisted in relationships to eventually marry. The method I have outlined above, puts both families on notice to be part of the relationship and resolve their issues. And if your girl understands and works with you in resolving problems and conflicts of both families, everyone will benefit.   

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