    My sleep being distubed at night .due to freqent urination i also feel very thirsty.No complaint during day time.I am non daibetic.

    0  Views: 398 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Everyone wakes in the night to go urinate. Our body is in cleanse mode when we sleep. Look here >>>


    I dunno. I’d recheck the diabetes deal. Frequent urination and excessive thirst are a biggie as well as fatigue. Invest in some urine test strips as an easy indicator and simply pee on them after a meal. they should show no color change if you are not diabetic……..


    That's what I was just gonna say, b/c today, my B S was 281 !! I almost fainted ( seriously ) when she told me . My Dr. didn't do anything except tell me to stay away from the candies and cookies, and ice cream, which I've been doing. But, I was eating dark choc. b/c someone told me that doesn't affect your diabetes.But, hey, it has sugar in it, doesn't it ! ? I used the urine strips today and it came out normal. Why is it normal if my sugar is 281 ? Shouldn't my Dr be giving me pills for diabetes ? !

    At 281 he should be giving you shots! I think so, anyhow. Go to a different doctor, go to an endocrinologist……….

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