Any diet suggestions? or home remedies? Have you personally tried the suggestion? How well does it work? When you have to take 6 Excedrin Migraine pills it may be time to look into something else?
So sorry to hear that! Sometimes they will come and go for 2 weeks and can be horrible to anyone that has ever experienced them. Sensitivity to light and sound etc.. They are awful.
10 Answers
Stay away from caffine cheese and yeast.... those are terrible triggers. Oddly enough when you do have one tylonel and a cup of coffee is a great cheap remedy. I have tried my Rx releif meds but they all give me lock jaw so I am on my own if I do have one. DARK DARK DARK room and a nap.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Try Bowen is am amazing and holistic way to treat many things ..and yes including Migraine headaches..
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Thanks again <a href="/users/5895/rippedoffrenter/">@rippedoffrenter</a> and a t.u. to you. thumbs up.
Maybe hitting one's head against a concrete wall for awhile might help not sure I just know those damn things hurt badly.....
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I've tried pounding my head against a metal walk in cooler door and it only alleviates the pain for a moment of so. It usually makes it worse, lol.
Click > Migraine -
Sorry, I didn't see that this question was posted 11 months ago. Hope you're feeling better.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Check your blood pressure. Severe head aches are a symptom of very high blood pressure. If that's not the problem you'll have to talk to a GP. Check it NOW.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
my doc. told me that a migraine attack is caused by 5 steps or triggers, one compounding the next and so on till the last ,the fifth then triggers the h/ache.the secret is to remember all the triggers that set it off and avoid them.e .g coffee,chocolate ,stress,cheese. etc.another trigger is anything with an ingredient in it that ends in amine,this he tells me is a sure way to set it off.another trigger is flashing have my sympathy i had them for years but they seem to be easing up at long last.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Got to get you over 2K. how about some T.U.!! Heres one for you.