    if you show proof of insurance after the fact but before court does it get dropped

    0  Views: 449 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    This is usually the case in Canadian provinces and should be written on the citation to produce insurance papers. Be sure to get it in writing that you produced the proper insurance docs and have cleared your name.

    Do you mean getting a fine for not being able to provide proof of vehicular insurance to the police or getting into an accident whereby you caused damage, no police were involved and are being sued by the other party/parties? Where I live (New York), and probably all legal jurisdictions in the U.S. if you're involved in such an accident, you are required to produce "proof of insurance". If you're pulled over by the police for whatever reason and are asked, likewise. Insurance companies in the U.S. issue a form called an FS-20, which is supposedly proof of insurance. This does not necessarily mean that one is insured. You can have this card without having paid a single premium or ceased after the first. The ultimate proof is a current form or policy, and proof of payment/acknowledgement by the insurer. There might be a mitigation of a fine if you go before a judge for not having the proof with you at the time.  

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