    kNOWN spices for cabbage rolls

    0  Views: 521 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer


    Recipe for the best cabbage rolls


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    Cabbage rolls are delicious treats that you can use as appetizers or serve as part of the main meal. They are easy to make and freeze well so that if you have extras, you can freeze them and thaw them out when you want to eat more.


    The following recipe will give you enough cabbage rolls to serve eight to ten people. If you need to have more or less, you can adjust the amount of the ingredients accordingly.


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    Step 1

    Prepare the cabbage

    The cabbage leaves must be cooked in order to make this dish, but they do not need to be cooked until they are really soft. Tear off the leaves from a head of cabbage and place them in a boiler. Add enough water to cover the leaves and add 1 tsp. of salt to the water. Cook the leaves for about three minutes, starting the timer from the time the water starts to boil. Once the leaves have boiled, drain off the water and remove the leaves to a large platter. Pat them dry with a paper towel.

    Step 2

    Prepare the filling

    Combine 1 lb. of ground beef with 1/2 cup of rice. Mince a small onion and add to the mixture. Now beat 2 eggs and mix in 1/4 tsp of pepper. Add the eggs to the ground beef and rice and mix well using your hands.


    Step 3

    Make the cabbage rolls

    Form each cabbage leaf into the shape of a cup and place a small amount of the ground beef mixture on each one. Roll up the leaf with the seam side down.

    Grease a roasting pan with butter or cooking spray and place the cabbage rolls in the pan, arranging them in layers.

    Slice an onion and sprinkle the slices over the top of the rolls.

    Now pour on the tomato sauce.  Add the tomatoes and the lemon juice. Sprinkle the brown sugar over the top.

    Step 4


    Bake the cabbage rolls at 325 degrees for one hour. The cover must be on the roaster for this time. After an hour remove the cover and let the rolls bake for a further two hours.


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