    where is teri shrader

    0  Views: 413 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Teri Schrader Named Head Of Watkinson School

    December 21, 2013|Stacy Routhier, Watkinson School, Greater Hartford

    The Board of Trustees of Watkinson School is pleased to announce the selection of Teri Schrader for the position of Head of School, effective July 1, 2014. Schrader is currently Upper School Head at Packer Collegiate Institute in Brooklyn, NY. She will succeed current Head of School John Bracker, who last spring announced he accepted the position of Head of School for the Polytechnic School in Pasadena, CA, after a 17-year tenure at Watkinson.

    Schrader's appointment marks her return to Watkinson as she began as director of Theatre and became director of the school's prestigious Creative Arts Program from 1982 to 1996. Schrader will be the 9th head since the School's founding in 1881. She was selected by a Search Committee composed of trustees, administrators, parents, and faculty members, with the aid of the educational consulting firm, Gregory Floyd & Associates, Inc.

    Watkinson's mission is to develop in our students the power to shape their lives and the world around them. Board President Peter Lisi comments, "I am excited and confident that Teri is uniquely qualified to take the helm of Watkinson and, using our mission statement as the rudder, chart a strategic course for the school. She is a brilliant and committed educator who puts each student's best interest at the center of her work. That has been Watkinson's practice for decades. I am sure that the combination of our mission and Teri's leadership will make for incredible synergy."

    The Search Committee Chair, trustee and current parent Brian Fierston, said in announcing the selection, "We are very excited Teri is returning to Watkinson. She impressed the Search Committee and members of our community with her passion for education, proven leadership skills, and collaborative management style. We envision Teri being an exceptional Head of School possessing the skills necessary to lead Watkinson into its bright future."

    Those who have worked with Teri, including former board members and other educators whose children attended her school, describe her as "amazing with kids; my most trusted mentor for 15 years; someone who sees things that others don't see; one who cares deeply about all people but who has the courage to make the hard decisions; and the person I admire most in education."

    Ms. Schrader and her husband, March, an art teacher and playwright, are looking forward to becoming part of the Watkinson community. They have two adult sons, Henry and Jake, and a beagle, Bob.

    Hartford's oldest independent school, Watkinson is a co-ed day school for grades 6-PG.

    Schrader's appointment marks her return to Watkinson as she began as director of Theatre and became director of the school's prestigious Creative Arts Program from 1982 to 1996. Schrader will be the 9th head since the School's founding in 1881. She was selected by a Search Committee composed of trustees, administrators, parents, and faculty members, with the aid of the educational consulting firm, Gregory Floyd & Associates, Inc.

    Watkinson's mission is to develop in our students the power to shape their lives and the world around them. Board President Peter Lisi comments, "I am excited and confident that Teri is uniquely qualified to take the helm of Watkinson and, using our mission statement as the rudder, chart a strategic course for the school. She is a brilliant and committed educator who puts each student's best interest at the center of her work. That has been Watkinson's practice for decades. I am sure that the combination of our mission and Teri's leadership will make for incredible synergy."

    The Search Committee Chair, trustee and current parent Brian Fierston, said in announcing the selection, "We are very excited Teri is returning to Watkinson. She impressed the Search Committee and members of our community with her passion for education, proven leadership skills, and collaborative management style. We envision Teri being an exceptional Head of School possessing the skills necessary to lead Watkinson into its bright future."

    Those who have worked with Teri, including former board members and other educators whose children attended her school, describe her as "amazing with kids; my most trusted mentor for 15 years; someone who sees things that others don't see; one who cares deeply about all people but who has the courage to make the hard decisions; and the person I admire most in education."


    Hartford's oldest independent school, Watkinson is a co-ed day school for grades 6-PG.

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