    Is this something I should persue with the hosptial. In other words is hospital at fault for my husbands death due to septic shock

    0  Views: 521 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    All I can suggest is that you speak with a lawyer to see what steps you should take.

    Wid - septic shock is not something pertaining to hospitals alone - it has many many contributing factors. The pathogeneis of septic shock is not completely understood. The word "septic" here can be totally misleading.  

    If this is a case of medical malpractice then you must speak with a malpractice lawyer and NOT to anyone at the respective hospital. Wrongful death suits also take a lo-ong time in the courts to resolve. Years in fact and are difficult to get through... but do speak with a lawyer. Do not... I repeat ... do not speak to ANYBODY at the hospital, not even if they OFFER!


    lindilou - this is very wise advise - but again I will not enumerate the many causes of septic shock. Thanks.

    I'm still upset about my younger brother losing his leg to negligence by a doctor at a far northern hospital facility... for Christmas...he nearly passed away... it was shocking and sorrowful... I love him so much.
    For this question all I could think of were the legalities and the lengthy course of action Miss Poppy3.
    p.s. Good to see you! ;)

    lindilou - Hope you are good - things somewhat chaotic here I will try to spend more time here - with regard to this question - am only answering with regard to the diagnosis at death which has very many reasons. I am so sorry for your loss so very sad and believe me I have been there - my Mother's care in hospital was totally appalling in effect they killed her - I am no lover of the NHS here anymore and not just because I worked in it - the nursing care is appalling and Doctors are just the best at covering their mistakes they even wrote the date on my Mothers death certicate incorrectly. My friend a very caring nurse witnessed most of her poor care and her husband a Professor were going to go to the Chief Executive and the Papers - but doubt if it would go anywhere. This was in 2012 and I still cannot get over it - her death being totally avoidable. Too distressed to follow this through legally or otherwise and still have not recovered I guess we never will - will we? So sorry and so very sad.

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