    what is life

    +1  Views: 559 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Philosophy of Life quotes>>

    15 Years with good behaviour.

    It's when you're ridin' high in April, shot down in May... 



    You are accorded recognition as a living spiritual being when you make your first moral-will decision.

    Before this, your body qualified as a life form-potential only.

    Life forms are able to eat and reproduce. 

    Life is considered to be the ability of a form to express function and we humans understand only a small percentage of these living expressions.  When asked this question as a child, I told my professor...picking-up a rock"Everything is alive...even this rock!(defiantly) "How can that be? It doesn't eat, drink or procreate..." I waited for the pause..."It remembers it's shape," I said. "It's color, shape, form and temperature. Some rocks remember North." "Memory is not a life function...he said. "How do you breath?"...I asked.           

    life is being lucky enough to be able to ask the question that you just asked on this site and that other human beings are generous enough to answer you with humor, dignity and insight.  now we are all lucky to be here on this planet for our short 100 years that most of us can get, god willing.  life is the thing that enables you to be here with us, and for us to be here with you. appreciate it, share it. don't be a fool (and i think you know what a fool is). life is everything we experience here while we are breathing. take a death breath, appreciate and enjoy it. everything you experience is life. happy life to you!

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