    Why doesn't most parent like their kids girl/boyfriends?

    They don't want their kids to be with nobody they want them to stay single WHY?

    0  Views: 754 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Daddies don't like their little girls going out with boys until they're over 30-ish because  daddies know what little boys are like.


    Thanks heavens for little girls,

    I liked my kids being my kids.  When they have a relationship with someone else, I'm not as important or influential as I once was.  Now, someone else has the privilege of hearing their problems and helping them find solutions.  When they are involved with someone else, they don't have as much time for Mom. 

    It's a selfish thing, and concern for their well-being. 

    Hmmmm! You're talking to the father of 3 girls here.Thank goodness they all have good taste.(In Men).

    When I was a teenager my parents expected me to marry every girl I brought home to meet them.

    That's not the way it works tho.It's all trial & error really.

    If I wasn't in school and was not working, there was no opportunity for a social life because I grew-up in the country. There were no computers or TV and radio was below my interest level. Reading kept me occupied most of my life. We left the farm for the big city and the one place I really liked was the library and technical books soon became my favorite along with everything else on the shelves. I loved our social life when friends or relatives came over to socialize. The only time I saw someone not related to me was at school, church and social events. I was a preachers kid and their idea of Christianity was to not drink alcohol, dance, gamble or use any form of profanity in speech or writings. Moral behavior and proper behavior was drilled into me through-out my childhood and into my teenage years. There was no escape until I found a way out by my parrents recognition of the persuasion of other people who they considered to be equals or betters. So when Navy Recruiters came to my school I found that they would accept me for enlistment at 17 years of age with my parrents  approval. So I understood that my parents would never agree to that if I presented the opprotunity for my release from captivity to them as my way out. So I asked the Navy recruiter to go to my home, preferably when I am not there, say nothing of my interest and get their interest in asking me to go Navy. Worked out very well for me...couldn't wait to have a wonderful life on my own.    

    It is natural for a father to reject any suitor to his daughter, even in nature.  After a while, she will find the right one, we luckily had many that proved to not be the right one, finally he came along!  As for the sons, the standards are a little different, however we also lucked out, he has a lovely wife. 


    And sometimes parents just stand on the sidelines waiting for the relationship to implode. Dad never cared for my ex husband, but never said a word to me. Mom told me several years after he died and the divorce was final. I appreciate his support in spite of how he felt; I try to be diplomatic, but don't keep quiet. Have called it pretty well with girlfriends so far

    My parents weren’t so bad. They just expected to meet the beau first……..

    My mother was terrible about that, there was never a date that I brought around that she liked. She would always find a way to insult them, not hurtful but a 'dig'.  My first wife, she couldn't stand her but afer we divorced they became the best of friends.  Then she disliked my current wife until about a year before she passed away, then they finally became friends.  Ironically, they all liked my mom! They all thought she was a riot, she was!! I am very happy that before she passed away my mom dropped her guard and allowed my current wife to be family.  My wife was a real trooper though, she stuck it out.

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