    If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

    0  Views: 402 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers


    We all make mistakes, that is a process of living of life. But how many times do we need to make the same mistake? We learn from our mistake, and upon learning discovery of life would be the result of it. It is impossible to live a life without a mistake, this is also a process wherein we learn more about ourselves. We can only learn from our mistake after we admit we’ve made it. Blaming others would only distance ourselves from learning possible lessons. Wise people admits their mistakes easily.
    Sometimes our cultural assumption we have about mistakes and failures gives us a perception that these are shameful things. We were taught in school, in our families or communities, or at work to feel guilty about failure and do whatever we can to avoid mistakes. This teaching of getting ashamed accompanied by some setbacks of failure in doing difficult things explains why some of us gave up on their goals: they were not prepared for the mistakes and failures they will face on their way on getting what they want. What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more challenging the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be. The larger your ambitions, the more dependent you will be on your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes.
    For some reasons admitting a mistake is difficult. An implication of this is our very own works and cultures: if you fail a test, then you are a failure. If you make a mistake then YOU are a mistake.
    The kind of mistake you make defines you. The more interesting the mistake, the more interesting the life. If your biggest mistake are missing a reruns of a TV-show or choosing the wrong number of a lottery ticket, you’re not challenging yourself to learn more interesting mistake.
    No amount of analysis can replace your confidence in yourself. When you’ve made a mistake, especially a visible one that impacts other people, it’s natural to question your ability to perform next time. But you must get past your doubts. The best you can do is study the past, practice for the situations you expect, and get back in the game. You want to be aware of how many other smart, capable well meaning people have made similar mistakes to the one you made, and went on to even bigger mistakes, I mean successes, in the future.
    Another thing that would create a healthy place is our sense of humor. It may take a few days but you’ll see the wit in what had happened. When friends tells you their mistakes it make you laugh, right? We can laugh at our own mistake. Once that had happened, we know we’ve already accepted it and no longer judge ourselves basing from one event.
    So the most important lesson in all of mistake making is to trust that while mistakes are inevitable, if you can learn from the current one, you’ll also be able to learn from future ones. No matter when happens tomorrow you’ll be able to get value from it, and apply it to the day after that. Progress won’t be a straight line but if you keep learning you will have more successes than failures, and the mistakes you make along the way will help you get to where you want to go.

    It's difficult for most people to admit a mistake. Then, once you do, you have no choice but to try to correct it. That is equally difficult. It's a lot of work so we don't like to make a mistake in the first place.

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