    Why has the printing system changed/failed

    0  Views: 343 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Make sure you have settings to allow the printer access... if it failed in process then the trouble is technical... see a technician please.


    terryfossil 1

    You keep chillin out girl,and you gonna get cold..>>>><<<<<<

    LOL ! It's turning winter up here already with a few snow squalls off-shore! I saw 3 Orcas surfacing with some wind-surfers last week.... winter comes too soon ... again! ;)
    terryfossil 1

    Lindi,do not know where you are,but i would like to be there,,Here in Aussie ..2.32pm 32 degrees celsius,,and hotter tomorrow,,,,Wanna swap.......

    You braggin or complainin'? haha I'm on Vancouver Island where it is always moderate... a little misty out now is all .. quite beautiful all the time tho' I do miss the heat of the prairies in summer .... yes...swap!! ;D
    terryfossil 1

    Ahaaaaaa,,no way,how did you know i live only10 minutes from the beach,,,,

    Our actual weather is 2 degrees Celsius with no wind .... mostly cloudy... calm. 8:46 pm Sunday
    terryfossil 1

    2 degrees is not moderate Lindi,,,thats way to cold for a sunny boy like me,,besides you guys are behind is monday 24 here,,,how hot does it get over there....

    Not very... average high in summer is 25 C and low is 13 C
    January its 7 above and 1 above ... yup chilly man chi-lllllly!
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Lindi,i just had a look on google earth at vancouver island,,i have a friend who lives just across from you in Georgia,,i met him at Amsterdam in holland last year,,,

    He must be on one of the gulf islands on the georgia strait... beautiful territory... wilderness is stunning!
    terryfossil 1

    We are going to try and get him to visit us here,,but he is not a young fella,he is getting on,,people do not visit Aussie all that much due to the fact that we live so far away from everybody,,everybody in our area is Asian,except for New Zealand,,,,,,

    My brother and his wife wish to move to Australia soon so I shall visit there ! I have always wanted to see the incredible wilderness that is Australia! Just to be there.
    terryfossil 1

    Most of the population of Aussie live on the coastline,,most of our capital cities are on the coastline,,i was borne in Hughenden, which is in central Queensland,,they have found a lot of dinosaur fossils there..people like Bulletman and Tommyh,know quite a bit about the bush,,i think Python might to,seeing as how she likes snakes,,i think we are no different to any other country,,my personal opinion ?? Country people seem to be a more realistic people,,and more down to earth,,probably get a few TD for that,,but what the,,i can escape faster than a rat up a drainpipe..Always nice talking Lindi..>>>><<<<<

    LOL You go brother!! LOL Most of our population are coastal dwellers as well. The mountains here are crags... big jagged stone tops surrounded by glacial till and seasand. And trees as far as the eye can see. The rivers are treacherous... it is truly wild. Extremes in geography man .... very cool. [ I'm gettin a blanket lol]
    terryfossil 1

    Certain parts of our coastline get pretty wild the bite at the bottom of Aussie gets very wild.were is your brother looking to go to in Aussie..your place looks like it would be pretty wild on the ocean side,,but on the other side it looks like a whole lot of canals,,

    Bro likes the western side alot ... something about the abundance of incredible food and wines! ;D
    Yes the east side of Van Isle is riddled with rivers and creeks and cottages and motels lol
    The west coast is absolutely wild untouched wilderness... a native guy took us on a bushwalk there to a plane that had crashed in the 40s... a Jap plane stuck away out in the rainforest ... it was very cool.
    terryfossil 1

    Something for you to look and listen to Lindi...>>>When you see the Ettamogah pub,,i live about 20 mins from there Queensland is the best state in Aussie,,but i am one eyed

    Take a left at 04:38 and down to the waterfront [bluff actually] and you'd be darn close to our place! >
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Lindi,looking at the video,i noticed you have a lot of fences that are not straight.they jut in and out, any reason for that,,,the video was very good thank you......

    To confuse the deer? LOL I guess because there were no building codes for a long long time out here... not until the last twenty years or so! So people just built fences wherever they liked! Haha!

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